Heather Muyskens
Professional Massage Therapy


Wild Moon Massage & Wellness encompasses the belief that each body is on a unique journey and requires time and space to unwind. Our bodies hold on to the experiences of living, both physically and emotionally, sometimes long after an experience is past. As we continue to move through life with residual imprints in our bodies, we have settled with those experiences. The result can show up as headaches, muscular discomfort, chronic pain, or maybe a sense of disconnect from our own bodies.

I blend a variety of modalities to address your musculoskeletal concerns and symptoms of pain throughout your body. Using a range of massage techniques that can help improve circulation, mobility, digestion, mental alertness, and muscle quality, you are invited on the journey to simply feeling better.

Heather Muyskens, LMT

Owner of Wild Moon Massage & Wellness

Fall in love with taking care of yourself